South Boston NDC

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Advocacy Alert: South Boston deserves affordability at St. Vincent’s

The St. Vincent de Paul church on West 3rd Street has been "temporarily" closed since 2015.

But instead of making necessary repairs during that time so the church could continue operating, we just learned the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has put St. Vincent's up for sale. 

The Archdiocese wants to turn a quick profit by selling the historic church for the highest possible price, with no priority for affordable housing.

South Boston does not need more luxury condos. Our community needs homes that are affordable to working families and seniors.

St. Vincent’s was paid for and built by its parishioners. But unless residents speak up, the Archdiocese will sell the property without giving anything back to the community members whose families built and maintained the church for over 130 years.

South Boston NDC is working to submit a proposal that will create as many affordable homes as possible.  We need your help to show the Archdiocese and for-profit developers that the community supports affordability and preservation at St. Vincent’s!

Sign the petition demanding that the Archdiocese
prioritize affordability, not luxury, at St. Vincent's!

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